July 26, 2024
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Story Of Tolani And His Friend Jide Who Struggle Through A Valley To Became Rich.

Before we proceed with our dear given story, we will like to enlighten you about who Tolani is, the meaning of his name and where he came from in Nigeria.
Tolani is a Yoruba given name which

means “Deserving of Wealth” in words translated to English as “Enough to possess Wealth”, as the name sounds with good meaning, he actually brought home the good meaning of his name, despite coming from an extended family with 7 sisters and 9 brothers directly from the mother.

Tolani father name was Ogunyemi Ajayi Tolani from Ijebu one of the oldest and most popular land in the origin of Yoruba Land. Tolani father’s derived all his doings from the father who happened to be a grandfather to Tolani. The father had 6 wives and 8 children from each from all his wives except Tolani father’s mother who had only 7 children for him.

Looking at the aligning above, the struggle of coming from an extended family is one of the though and hardest thing to handle in the history of bearing large numbers of children or having an extended family.

Tolani is the second to last born from his mother’s birth, he intend to have a different lifestyle by moving from his comfort zone where he had at least 50 percent of daily feeding assurance to where he can stand alone to make it big as his dream and choice.

On 20 October 2020 when the Lekki Massacre where taking place around 9 to 10 pm on that day, Tolani was on his way to Lagos from his home town Ijebu Ode when he fell into to hands of some hoodlums who took away all his belongings and valuables items leavings him with nothing.

For the Means of survival and getting himself a resting place for the night, he had no choice than to approached one of the protesters Jide who lead him through the incident safely to his house where he passed the night till the next day. Jide looking at Tolani had to ask what brought him to Lagos during the protest which he knew it could be a very serious Kombat then,

Tolani then start aligning his family story and background where he came from and how things are very difficult with him, so he need take a bold step to change his world.

With the explanations from Tolani to Jide, the both have the same vision and almost similar family story which has really put them in to better field schedule and hustle mode for them to be a better person in the next world. Although Jide story was somehow sad because the father died when he was just 2 years old, meaning he wasn’t opportune to enjoy the father hood and Tolani who happened to know the father still not enjoy him because he is from an extended family with a lots of siblings and seniors.

The two friends now became more like a brother, as the both share the same house, bed and sometime wear each other’s cloths, living happy without any issues untill this faithful day when Tolani got a good work from the British Build company in begger Lagos State Nigeria.

Even before he meet this opportunity, Jide was the person in charge of house activities like, the feeding, rent, clothing, and almost everything except anything Tolani had a little to support for the house activities then.

Now the new world has arrived for Tolani to at least meet up with 30 percent of his dream of becoming who he want to be and a different man in the history of his family. On that great day when he got the employment letter from his email, await Jide and disclosed the good news to him. Jide was surprised and asked him how it happened, he then give a short explanations to it on how he summited his name and CV through an online agent for a trial.

Hearing this amazed Jide, so he promised to help him out with transportation until he receive his first month salary where he can be able to do things by himself. Get it’s Monday the new week and first day of the month for Tolani to start merging together his dream as planned by him.

On the first resumption day, he met with Mr Cizat a chinesec man in charged of the company, managing resources and equipments. He was glad, first before he started his duties, Mr Cizat took him round to showing him every corner of the building and where he could start working from.

Yes am closed he said in amazement, after getting home he told his friend Jide all about what he went through fir the day, Jide being a good person advice him on how he should handle things and mind his business while on the working ground to avoid hatred from oppositors or colleges.

Tolani is now the full staff of Zanga Bridge Building Company with good experience and Mr Cizat his former manager is about leaving Nigerian back to China, a new manager is with at least 80% experience is needed to replaced him to keep going the good work of him.
Few Exams was set to help to choose the right person as manager of the company, the only person who came out bright was Tolani Ayo Ajayi who score the total of number of 92, showing he knows a lot building and his work as shown by his boss Mr Cizat.

Finally Tolani is now the new company manager with 2.5 Million Naira salary monthly, after working for 1 year and some months life has changed so he brought in his good friend Jide as the company accountant having about 1.2 Million Naira as salary.

Glory the both friends has become supper rich with properties around the state and planning for a tour in one of the African country in the next holy days from work.

Lessons To Learn From Tolani And Jide Story.

1 learn how to help, because those who you help will turn back some day to help you become who you don’t expect.

2 Learn how to be a good person, you don’t know who your destiny helper is or where he is coming from.

3 Don’t look down on people background or appearance, no one has a gold stamp on his or her head.

4 Jide became rich without Struggle but his good doings help him to meet up with his dream and being a better person which he prayed for.

5 Learn to do what ever you Know perfectly, it will help you to become something or somebody very important someday.

6 Don’t forget those who help you in time of needy, those people are your destiny helpers and if you eventually fall they could help you get back.

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